Having firmly established itself as a major player in the UK, industry trailblazer Ignition was ready make its move and bring its advanced human-digital financial advice platform to Australia. SBP helped to create a strategy, identity and website that showcase the customer-focused difference Ignition offers financial institutions.
Paving the way for Ignition Australia
Scope of work
Brand platform
Visual identity
Tone of voice
A new brand platform
First, we set to work on a strategy to build Ignition’s brand awareness and position the company for long-term growth.
A new identity
Our team constructed a look and feel that’s uniquely Ignition – because why should a brand that delivers such difference blend in?
We are Ignition
The ‘We Are’ characteristic is used across the site for consistent, memorable navigation.

Ignition’s logo
The fingerprint logo embodies the brand’s heritage and human-centric edge.

Picturing the process
We echoed the Ignition team’s Post-it note process with configurable square graphic elements.

Rethinking colours
A refined, sophisticated selection of neutral tones visually sets Ignition apart.

A new website
We created an intuitive digital platform that succinctly articulates who Ignition is, the value it offers and what makes it different. With its audience in mind, we made sure that Ignition’s site was highly informative and engaging. We accentuated the company’s heritage, benefits and flexibility with an engaging, sophisticated site that holistically embodies the collaborative Ignition experience.

“SBP guided us through a significant change, and it was ultimately a very rewarding process. Our new look, style and voice have been warmly embraced by the whole organisation and are being seen as an important inflection point in the history of Ignition.”
Robert Coulter, Business Development Director APAC

Switched on
Ideas, inspiration and other interesting stuff from the Six Black Pens team.